
We will associate our newly generated key to be used for Gitlab connections. Doing it this way, we can separate ssh keys between many sites.

VIM editor
vim .ssh/config

Make sure to use the :set paste option to ensure formatting stays correct.

ssh config file
   IdentityFile ~/.ssh/ansible_key

To exit vim:

press  <esc>

type   :wq

Now let’s get a copy of your public ssh key

cat .ssh/

Copy the output, it should start like below:


Now go to Gitlab and create an account, once that is created we will upload your public ssh key to Gitlab (

  • Click on your icon (top right, then Preferences)

  • On the left hand side you should see SSH Keys

  • Paste your public key


Make certain you are NOT about to put your private keys in the cloud

Time to test our ssh key with Gitlab:

ssh -T

Now we can configure the Ansible config file, but first let’s move to our Project Directory

Change Directory
cd ansible_lab

Fist let’s add our Ansible Config file with a few directives:

Ansible has host key checking enabled by default.

If a host is reinstalled and has a different key in ‘known_hosts’, this will result in an error message until corrected. If a host is not initially in ‘known_hosts’ this will result in prompting for confirmation of the key, which results in an interactive experience if using Ansible, from say, cron. You might not want this.

If you understand the implications and wish to disable this behavior, you can do so by editing ansible.cfg [1]

Configuration file is processed in the following order:

  • ANSIBLE_CONFIG (environment variable if set)

  • ansible.cfg (in current directory)

  • ~/.ansible.cfg (in the home directory)

  • /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg

Ansible will process the above list and use the first file found, all others are ignored

VIM editor
vim ansible.cfg
 host_key_checking = False
 inventory = inventory
 log_path = ansible.log
 #vault_password_file = .vault.key


Pro-Tip configure an ansible.cfg per project
