Linux Commands

Some useful Linux commands


There are no labs in this section; This section is for reference only

Help - you will find help for any package in the man pages or info pages. Each switch will be described and some examples.

man  <package name>
info <package name>

vim or visual editor

vim <filename>   { opens or creates file for editing }
i                { stands for insert and allows you enter text }
esc              { escape key, exits editor mode }
:wq              { write quit; saves and quits vi }
:q               { quit vi }
:q!              { quit and do not save }
:set paste       { paste mode; will help to paste content }


pwd            { shows current working directory }
cd             { change directory }
cd ..          { change directory up one level }
cd -           { return to last directory }
mkdir          { make directory }
rm -rf         { remove directory }
ls             { list contents of a directory; files and folders }
ls -la         { list contents to include hidden files and permissions }


cat            { print contents of a file }
touch          { creates a blank file; or updates the timestamp on the file }
rm             { remove file }

Not in scope for this particular training, but build some aliases. These are located in different places depending on your OS and shell. For BASH in Linux (for Mac this will be .bash_profile)

vim .bashrc

From here you can add an aliases

alias ap='ansible-playbook'
Now instead of typing
ansible-playbook -i inventory error.yml
you can just use the alias
ap -i inventory error.yml