Lab 2

Create Directories

Create Directories
mkdir -p lab2/html
mkdir -p lab2/conf

We will now copy our index.html and web.conf files from Lab1 to this project. cp is the Linux copy command and works as such: cp source destination. Using the trailing . in our destination lets Linux know we want to use the same name as the source.

Copy Files
cp lab1/index.html lab2/html/.
cp lab1/web.conf lab2/conf/.

Attach Volume to Container

Attach Volume
docker run -p 81:80 -v ~/lab2/conf:/etc/nginx/conf.d/web.conf -v ~/lab2/html:/usr/share/nginx/html --name docweb -dit nginx

Validate the site is working

docker ps -a

Navigate to


Now, lets go to your index.html file in lab2/html/index.html and alter some text like highlighted below.

Alter text
<title> TEST SITE</title>
Lab 2
<p>Demo site for training.</p>

Once your change is made, you should be able to reload your page by either Cntrl r or CMD r and observe your code update.